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Εάν επιθυμείτε να ενημερώνεστε για τα νέα και τις εξελίξεις των Βραβείων ΟΙΚΟΠΟΛΙΣ παρακαλούμε συμπληρώστε τα στοιχεία σας στα παρακάτω πεδία και πατήστε "Εγγραφή".
This category of Ecopolis awards refers to the informational and educational work of printed and electronic press that supports or helps the protection of the environment or raises environmental awareness.

The sub-categories of ECOPOLIS Awards for the media are:

Sub - category 6.1.
ECOPOLIS Award for journalism project

Sub - category 6.2.
ECOPOLIS Award for newspaper - newspaper insert

Sub - category 6.3.
ECOPOLIS Award for radio - radio broadcast

Sub - category 6.4.
ECOPOLIS Award for television - television broadcast

Sub - category 6.5.
ECOPOLIS Award for website - online information

Sub - category 6.6.
ECOPOLIS Award for special or regional press

Candidatures for this category are selected by the respective Selection Committee, which monitors all news about the environment and is informed on the work of journalists, the press, television and radio broadcasts, and web sites. Ecopolis awards are addressed to media that broadcast or circulate at the national as well as the local level. They refer to topics and broadcasts made during the previous year. The suggested projects for each sub - category are communicated to the public. A qualified Evaluation Committee assesses all nominations according to the announced criteria and decides on the winning project and the business to be awarded. The awards are presented to the public at the Ecopolis Awards ceremony.

For further information, all interested parties are encouraged to contact the secretary of Ecopolis Awards at the following number: 210 6196757.